Infidelity Counselor

Relationships are complex, and rulebooks on how to have the perfect marriage/partnership do not exist. It can be frustrating and confusing when one has found success in other areas of life but struggle in a relationship. Success comes with responsibilities and pressure, which are bound to impact one’s marriage, which can lead to infidelity or other challenging issues between partners. Thus, there is no shame in seeking help from infidelity counselors. Just as you would seek medical care for a physical health problem, seeking professional support is crucial in the challenges one faces in their relationship.

If you’re ready to start mending your relationship, reach out today.

What exactly constitutes “cheating” or “infidelity?”

This is a common question among couples. Typically, we tend to think of “cheating” or “infidelity” as a partner having a sexual relationship with another person. While this is one form of infidelity, it is certainly not the only one.

A partner engaging in a romantic or intimate emotional connection with a person outside of the relationship can also be considered cheating, even if no sexual contact occurs. Of course, it is healthy for individuals to connect with people outside of their relationship. Spending time with friends, family members, coworkers, and acquaintances is essential. However, an act of emotional and/or physical infidelity causes a person to feel betrayed by their partner. A specific boundary is crossed, one that is supposed to exist exclusively between the two partners in the marriage. When this occurs, 2 + 1 in the equation equals 0; especially in the age of technology, where so much is laid out on the table, this type of betrayal feels just as heart-wrenching as the death of a loved one.

It is difficult to define specific actions that constitute cheating. However, more problems also arise when a member conceals the infidelity. Since each couple sets up different boundaries and includes expectations for the relationship, it is essential to communicate clearly with one another so each partner’s needs are respected and boundaries are upheld. Therapy can help foster strong communication for these reasons and more.

Can our relationship recover?

After a couple experiences infidelity, they often find themselves wondering, “Where do we go from here?” Both individuals are left reeling, regardless of their role in the situation.

Please keep in mind that an affair does not have to be a relationship death sentence. Many couples recover from this experience if they see it as an opportunity to examine and strengthen their relationship.

Infidelity does not always directly cause problems; an affair may likely be a sign of a more significant problem at play in a relationship. These issues vary from situation to situation. Moreover, infidelity counselors can help get to the root of the problem and explore potential solutions.

Even if both partners decide to move forward, their relationship is unlikely to be the same. However, this is not necessarily a bad thing because affair counseling can help to change and improve relationship dynamics.