Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in New Jersey

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a therapy we offer at RPA. It involves specific interventions focused on changing thought patterns to improve overall mood and behavior. In each session, the patient uses a workbook and writing exercises to learn to identify automatic negative thoughts, label them, challenge them, examine the evidence, and modify distorted thoughts to be more realistic and helpful.

Something that sets CBT apart from general talk therapy is that each session teaches specific information and sets goals in terms of change. At the end of each session, you will be able to identify specifically what was worked on and have a way to measure the progress. This strategy helps transform time spent in therapy into goal-oriented rather than tangential discussion without direction or purpose.

Understanding The Process

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is NOT a treatment we do for you but a strategy. We will train you in so that you can begin to help YOURSELF. This, combined with the healing process of telling your story and a safe, nonjudgmental place, can help you start feeling better now. Emotional pain works a lot like physical pain. It is software in your system that lets you know when something is causing harm to your life. It has a beginning, middle, and end, but you must use your pain to help you navigate your life to safety and well-being. Society often teaches us to circumvent this system by denying that something is wrong.​

The trick is to identify that you are in pain. Can you remember the last time you felt good? So many of us limp along for years, not realizing how tedious and painful every day has become slowly over a long period. Develop and practice healthy coping skills so that you can get through your suffering more quickly and carve out a path toward a more robust version of yourself. What are healthy coping skills? How do I identify when something or someone is hurting me? These are all things we will work on together.

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